Contact Anne

Ms. Browning lives in Northern California with her husband and best best rascal dog ever, Tukee.

Anne may be reached at


conflict resolution trainingDeveloping the habits, gaining the power of how, making todays’ ceiling tomorrows’ floor, these are only a few of the results superior training accomplishes.  Anne Browning delivers superior training.

Anne Browning believes that with knowledge comes the power to act. Her trainings are designed to deliver proven, fact-based knowledge and the follow up to act on the knowledge delivered. Without action knowledge is nothing more than daydreams. Without knowledge actions can bring destruction. Knowledge + Action = Success.

In what area of your organization or life are wheels being spun?  What problems have you putting out daily fires instead of producing and profiting? What knowledge do you or your organization lack to propel you into a conflict free future? What action taken today would assist you in the creation of enhanced relationships, increased productivity, a magnified bottom line?

Ms. Browning trains Organizations, Groups and Individuals.  What is holding you back?

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“We are made for more than simply surviving, we are made to thrive.” Anne Browning

Come grow with me.